Listing Goal and Goal Categories

Each one of us has goals and achievements we want to accomplish and achieve in our lifetime. These goals may be some trips to foreign land while we're young and have a lot of time in our hands. These might be achievements and accomplishments related to our academic endeavours and professional careers.

Whatever goal you have in mind you want to achieve, listing goal and goal categories would be a great idea to remind you of these objectives. Setting personal goals early can definitely motivate you as identifying them is the first step towards achieving them.

In listing your goals and goal categories, you must first try to sort them according to time you want to get them done. After that, list down your priorities and the aspects of your life. You can sort your goal categories into: personal (things you want to achieve for your own improvement), then maybe something about your family and then for other people or your community.

Focus on writing your long-term goals first. In writing these goals, think of those things you want to accomplish in the future, say ten or so years from now. Of course, it depends on your age and the present happenings in your life what you would put in here. For a fresh college graduate, perhaps you can list down items like "have a stable job, find a wife and have a great career and happy family". Possibly, for a 40-year-old, you may write something about retirement, vacations or things you haven't done yet.

Next, you can try to map out these long term objectives and list your priorities until you achieve your overall goal. Perhaps your goal might be gaining financial freedom. In order to be able to do this, plan out your targets for the next years. For example, write down your goals for the next five years, then ten years. Plan it out and keep track of your timeline.

Now, go over your short term goals. One of the examples of this is to get fit. So, lay out a plan on how you can achieve this. Short term goals are usually the ones you desire to accomplish in a few weeks or months. When you have finished one of your goals, reaching for new goals would be easy and you will definitely feel satisfaction after getting things done one after another.

Lastly, think of the things that could hinder your objectives. List them down - from individual weakness, work ethics, fears and other factors like time and money. You will be able to overcome all the obstacles if you are honest in listing these and make a move to achieve your goals - whether short term or long term.


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